Saturday, April 28, 2012


When I was younger, I knew someone in my class who was always bumping into things, spilling liquids accidentally, tripping all over the place... all the time. I remember how irritated I was being around that classmate of mine. When I was working as a junior copywriter, there was a senior copywriter with receding hairline and was single at 30plus years old and was of the same personality as my classmate years ago. Everyday at the office he'd be tripping and bumping and spilling, much to everybody's dismay. But I knew that there was no one more dismayed as I was. I find clumsiness repulsive and a major turn off. This week, I am, with no choice, around someone who, at a very very early age is displaying bouts of clumsiness. And the sad thing is, her mother does not even mind that her daughter is causing trouble, mess and well, ok, repulse in me. Ugh!

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