Thursday, April 05, 2012

Over and Over

I know for a fact that kids thrive on routine, and that when they're fond of something, they tend to do it over and over again, like watching a specific cartoon and/or movie.

A couple of months back she watches The Sound of Music almost everyday, all 3 discs of the VCD set. Then she moved onto watching The Little Rascals. In between she'd watch our copy of Sineskwela and Epol, Apol.

I observed though that she's not much into Lion King, E.T, and Angelina Ballerina. I wonder what she'll spend time on in the next weeks.

May I also mention that there was a time when she was hooked on Tom and Jerry, because it's playing almost the whole day on Cartoon Network! Ugh! It indeed affected her mood swings and her temper! True that when a kid stays glued on TV, and on something violent, he/she tends to be more short tempered and moody. Thank God she obeyed (with much effort, though), when I told her she can't watch Tom and Jerry anymore.

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