Sunday, July 13, 2014

Cooking Up A Creative Genius

If there is one person who is much aware of my passion to teach and nurture my daughter in all of life's aspects, that would be my husband. So recently, he gave me a book titled "Cooking Up A Creative Genius" by Henry Tenedero.

I haven't taken the time to read it but was able to browse it a couple of times.

The book and its insights seem interesting. Me being a sucker of learning and multi-intelligence is excited to get to read said book. Its tagline says, "Homemade Teaching Styles to enhance your child's learning styles, emotional and multiple intelligences."

Uhm, the tagline, for me isn't perfectly constructed, but I hope the book is. As they say, don't judge the book by its cover.
Will update you once I've found the time to read at least a few chapters of it.

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